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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

xmas party 2006

As we were all robbed of one last year, because it's a good excuse for a pissup somewhere other than my local, and because we're all a bunch of drunks, we should have one this year.

Originally wee dave suggested the 9th, but can no longer do this. The 25th of november sounds like a good alternative.

Any suggestions to date/time/place of meetage??


Blogger Thumper said...

Mr kelly asked if a certain person with the same initals as the thin white duke was coming - instant 3 pint penalty i reckon

4:17 pm  
Blogger Kieran said...

Who the hell was is twd?

ill suggest a venue then or maybe we can let a coin decide

Heads - Barton
Tails - Spoons
if(coin == tails)
Heads - Square peg(corporation street one)
Tails - Giddy Bridge (bridge street one)

I am easy on a date/time

5:32 pm  
Blogger Thumper said...

kieran -

i think mr kelly is the weakest link in terms of dates as he has to travel the furthest - i can pretty much do any saturday, and i might be able to switch my day working from home to a friday if fridays are easiest for everyone.

8:47 pm  
Blogger Monkeywiz said...

I can do pretty much any date too if needs be (know that doesn't help sorry)

8:32 am  
Blogger Mark_Grfx said...

ello? ......ello? (is this on??)

Hey guys! Hmm, well i cannae do the 25th as i'm double booked! (Pfft, i dunno! drinking for a month and two sessions come along at once!!)

Any other date should be ok though me-thinks!

6:02 pm  
Blogger Thumper said...

A few people have mentioned the 2nd as a possibilty, is there anyone who can't make the 2nd??

8:49 am  
Blogger Kieran said...

is there beer involved if the answer is yes I can make it, are women allowed? or is it no women no kids

On a side note and the wonders of the web I cant join this bloody blog because I have upgraded to blogger beta or some such nonsense and get trapped in an infinite loop of login to blogger links when I click the email link.

4:50 pm  
Blogger Monkeywiz said...

tell you what, you bring your woman, I'll bring mine (unless she's got other plans on whatever day it ends up being)

4:58 pm  

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