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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

How to be a twat (part one)

There are many many ways of being a twat, so let's start at the beginning.

To be a twat you have to:-

1) Believe that a job in the games industry will last longer than 3 months.

that's it, that's all you have to do to become the biggest twat in the world!!!!

p.s. i've been made redundant again, twice in 3 months, must be up for some kind of record.


Blogger Kieran said...

bad news to hear mate can I suggest a career change you might find this useful

9:25 am  
Blogger Thumper said...

Think i might leave the games industry and try out the music industry instead

10:07 am  
Blogger Monkeywiz said...

That's arse, sorry mate, bit of a stupid thing to do hiring if they were gonna have to let people go, wonder if they've been taking business advice from anyone we know.

3:56 pm  

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